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Saturday, November 3, 2018

Philosophy without borders: our latest posts, 29 october - 5 november 2018

Dear Philosopher or Philosophically-Minded Person,

Launched in May 2017, PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS is an online  
mega-project for creating and sharing seven different kinds of  
original philosophy, all of them freely available to anyone, anywhere,  

We’re reaching out to academic philosophers and independent  
philosophers, and to other critically thoughtful, insightful,  
reflective people, everywhere.

Here are our latest posts—

Art and Truthful Beauty.

Democratic Socialism and Social Anarchism: Convergence, Prima Facie  
Divergence, Reconciliation.

An Existential Argument for Anarchism.

How to Escape Irrelevance: Performance Philosophy, Public Philosophy,  
and Borderless Philosophy.

Borderless Philosophy 1 (2018).

Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 3 (2018).


PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS is home-based on Patreon, here—

Please consider becoming a patron!

Do you have a plan? Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring.

One Commonwealth PAC
Four days to go, David.
Election Day is right around the corner, and there's no doubt in my mind that this will be the most consequential midterm election in our lifetimes. Enthusiasm among grassroots Dems is encouraging. At a canvass kickoff with Abigail Spanberger, whose narrow race in VA-7 could decide control of the House, the urgency for Democratic leadership in Washington was unmistakable. 
In races like Abigail's, voter turnout will be the difference between winning and losing. That's why I also visited the Greenspring Retirement Community Democratic Club and groups like it around the Commonwealth to talk about the importance of getting out every last vote.
Now, I want to make sure you have a plan to cast your ballot. Make sure to put voting on your calendar for Tuesday, Nov. 6, and click here to find your polling place.
This election will determine our country's future for the next two years and beyond, so be sure to make your voice heard.

Thanks for everything you do.


Key elections are dead heats - let's make sure Democrats win! Bob Fertik, democrats.com.

Polls show key races for Governors, Senators, and Representatives are dead heats. That's why Donald Trump is unleashing racist hatred in a desperate and despicable campaign to save Republicans.

Our Blue Wave can still elect Democrats all across the country, but we need to turn out every possible Democratic voter.

1. Use our amazing Progressive Voter Guide to see all the candidates on your ballot and who has endorsed them on both sides. Find your polling place and prepare your ballot in advance for stress-free voting.
4. Do you need a ride to the polls on Tuesday, or know someone who does?
  • Lyft is offering 50% off on Election Day. Enter your zip code for the promo code.
  • Uber is offering $10 off a single ride to the polls on Election Day on the most affordable Uber option available in your city. Look for the Election Day code in your app on Election Day.
  • Lime is offering free rides in 100 cities on bikes, e-bikes, and e-scooters. Download the app and use code LIME2VOTE18.
5. If you have any problem votingcall 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) from your polling place to get immediate help so your vote is properly cast and counted. Then report the problem to Trust The Vote which is mapping all voting problems to look for patterns so local reporters can investigate them.
This Tuesday is Election Day - thank you for building the Blue Wave!!
Bob Fertik.

Mark your calendar: November 6th. Jennifer Boysko, Chair of Run Everywhere.


We are in a fight for our rights in this country. That’s why we have to band together to turn Virginia blue. The only way to do that is to help voters get out and vote. Here's information you can share about polling places, times, and what you need to vote with family and friends.

There is still a chance left for us to take the House by flipping Districts in close races. But we need you to help GOTV now. Let people know about the importance of this election, not just in our state, but across the whole nation. The lives of immigrants, women, and the LGBTQ community are all hanging in the balance. Let's make sure to tip the scales for democracy.

Your vote counts.
Thank you for everything,
Jennifer Boysko,
Chair of Run Everywhere