This week, and throughout the Trump administration, it seems we are given almost daily reminders of the incredible importance of electing more women to office.
While I find the GOP's refusal to listen to or stand up for the rights of women deeply disturbing, I am grateful and heartened by the record number of women running for office -- and I am enthusiastically supporting the incredible slate of Democratic women on the ballot for the U.S. Senate this November.
I hope you'll join me. Supporting these candidates not only creates a more diverse Senate, but these races will play a crucial role in our mission to regain a Democratic majority.
In the Senate, Claire McCaskill and Heidi Heitkamp have both championed women's issues -- and stood with Democrats as we fought to protect health care and for an economy that works for working families. Keeping their seats blue is absolutely crucial if we're going to take back the Senate and put a stop to Trump and McConnell's hateful agenda.
In Nevada and Arizona, Jacky Rosen and Kyrsten Sinema are both locked in tight races to turn currently red seats blue. If we can give their campaigns the boost they'll need to win, we can take back the Senate.
As Judge Kavanaugh's nomination illustrates, there could not be more at stake for women, for people of color, for LGBTQ people, for workers, and anyone who cares about the sanctity of our democracy these midterm elections. We need to elect Democrats who will fight for our communities and for our democracy -- we need to elect Claire McCaskill, Heidi Heitkamp, Jacky Rosen, and Kyrsten Sinema to the Senate.
But to do it, we need to stand together behind their campaigns now.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator
U.S. Senator