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Monday, September 17, 2018

Our September endorsements. Jennifer Childs-Roshak, Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund (advocacy@pplm.org)

Dear Searchingforreason.net
On January 21, 2017, nearly 200,000 people across Massachusetts took to the streets to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump and to declare a more inclusive, more equitable vision for our country. That day represented the largest political protest in history and it spurred nearly two years of unprecedented activism, organizing, and advocacy.
Earlier this month, we celebrated the wins of two of the Massachusetts Women’s March organizers, Tami Gouveia and Lindsay Sabadosa, in their campaigns for state representative. Today, we turn our focus to November 6, when we elect candidates up and down the ticket who will help enact the bold vision put forth by marchers.
Over the next two months, we will be knocking on doors, making phone calls, and organizing our friends and neighbors for these new leaders. In every corner of the Commonwealth, there is a high stakes election. In Central Massachusetts, David LeBoeuf, a longtime advocate for expanded health care access, is facing an opponent who regularly protests outside the Planned Parenthood health center in Worcester. On the South Shore, Kathy LaNatra’s victory would finally give the 12th Plymouth District an advocate for reproductive rights and health care it deserves. And in Andover, Tram Nguyen is challenging a sitting state rep who has spent his career working to deny young people access to comprehensive sex education, dismantle LGBTQ rights, and restrict access to safe, legal abortion. David, Kathy, Tram, and others are at the helm of the political movement born at the Women’s March, and it is up to us to help them win.
The election is just 50 days away. Head to our website, learn more about the important races in your community, and sign up to hear from your local organizer about how to get involved. Together, we can send a new class of leaders to the State House who will protect reproductive rights, dismantle barriers to health care, and defend our state from the Trump administration’s dangerous attacks.
Thank you.
Jen Childs-Roshak 
Jen CEO Signature.jpg
Jennifer Childs-Roshak, MD, MBA
Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts
P.S. To see the full list of our September endorsements, visit our website and learn about the leaders running for office in your community.
Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts
1055 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
United States

STOP THE CONFIRMATION PROCESS... U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.

ADL New England- Weare1Day movement.

Proud to join the Weare1Day movement to speak out against hate and start conversations of understanding online. Please join us in the first national day against hate. Sign up and Learn more: http://weareoneday.org#WeAreOneday
One day Against Hate is asking you to look beyond your first impression and overcome bias. We are stronger when we are together. Join us October 1 to start a conversation of understanding in your community. #WeAreOneday weareoneday.org

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

APA- Register now for the 2019 Eastern Division meeting!

American Philosophical Association

The 2019 Eastern Division meeting will be held January 7–10 at the Sheraton New York Times Square in New York, NY.

Meeting Registration

Online registration is now open! You will be able to register online at the early bird rates until December 20 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. Please note that online registration will be available only until December 20. After that date, online registration will no longer be available, but you will still be able to register at the registration desk at the meeting.
The early bird registration rates are $50 less for all categories than for the on-site registration rates. To register at the member rates, you must be signed in.

Meeting Program

The meeting program is available on the APA website. Meeting registrants will also have access to the full program, including room locations, in our meeting app. Paper copies of the program will be available at the meeting.
Go green! You’ll save an additional $5 on meeting registration if you choose not to receive a paper copy of the program. Our free meeting app for smartphones and tablets contains the full program.
Those who go paperless will have the option to purchase a program for $5 at the registration desk.
Watch the APA Eastern Facebook and Twitter pages for periodic announcements about high-profile sessions.

Hotel Reservations

Hotel reservations at the conference rates can be made through links on the APA website.The per-night room rates are $179 (plus applicable taxes and fees) for regular members and non-members, and $169 (plus applicable taxes and fees) for student members.
Please note: It is important that those attending the meeting stay in the conference hotels, rather than at other hotels, and specifically in the block of rooms reserved for APA meeting attendees. The financial viability of the meeting depends on our meeting our contractual obligations, the most important of which (by far) is that we fill a minimum number of sleeping rooms. Failure to do so results in a significant penalty, which, as a non-profit organization, the APA is ill-equipped to pay, and which would take resources away from other important APA initiatives.
For more information about the 2019 Eastern Division meeting, visit the meeting page. All meeting-related inquiries should be submitted via the meeting contact forms.
The program and executive committees extend a cordial invitation to all APA members to come and take part in the 2019 Eastern Division meeting.
Jeffrey Dunn
APA Eastern Division Secretary-Treasurer
The American Philosophical Association
University of Delaware
31 Amstel Avenue, Newark, DE 19716