Yesterday we celebrated Women’s Equality Day by honoring all women and their fight for equality. Women need equality in the workforce and in all areas of their lives. We know that when women suffer, children suffer.
In this country, women earn only about 80% of the average man’s pay. Black women get 65% less and Hispanic women, on average, only make 59 cents to each dollar white males make. The Trump administration is doing everything in its power to expand the wage gap by rolling back Obama’s equal pay rule and making it easier for companies to hide how much they pay women and people of color.
It’s crazy that women are still fighting for the same pay as their male counterparts. That’s why we have to keep challenging the status quo.
In solidarity,
Jennifer Boysko,
Finance Chair, Virginia Democratic House Caucus
Chair of Run Everywhere
Run Everywhere Virginia
P.O. Box 247
Herndon VA 20172 United States
P.O. Box 247
Herndon VA 20172 United States