If the Republicans want to do the campaign version of I'm With Stupid
that's their party.
Russian-born chess grandmaster Nimzowitsch was famous for saying,
"The threat is stronger than the execution." This applies not just to
a classic intellectual board game. It is the whole entire principle
of blackmail.
Blackmail only works if you are threatening to publicly disclose
something that was not known. If it was all out there already there
is no longer anything to blackmail with. Not only are we certain the
Ritz Carlton frolic tape exists, it is most likely in full color.
So when Trump offered the lame defense at the Helsinki press
conference that if the Russians had anything incriminating on him it
would already be out there, like pretty much everything else he says
it is the exact opposite of reality.
When Putin himself was asked about it, he literally laughed out loud.
He then tried to absurdify the question, arguing, "What, do you think
we surveil and record every foreign visitor we get?"
Uh, duh . . . uh, yeah . . . that's exactly what everybody knows they
Trump told the world he would take Putin's "strong and powerful
denial" over the unanimous evidence of all our intelligence agencies.
What did Putin do in their private conclave, take his shirt off? It's
a wonder Trump did not go on and on about Putin's manly firmness.
None of this has been cleaned up belatedly and after the fact.
Among other things Trump is not, Putin is smart. Smart enough to know
that the FBI does not have to physically seize a server to analyze
it. They imaged the DNC server. So much for that big fat dud of a
conspiracy theory that was yet another "Hey, but what about" Trump
distracting insinuation in Finland.
Finally, a bunch of Republicans have had enough of the national
embarrassment in the oval office, or so they seem to be saying.
But what will they do tomorrow? Go right back to kissing his butt,
the way Trump himself plays the patsie for grandmaster Putin? Go
right back to tearing down the people with the highest integrity in
our whole government?
We had enough of this before the last election even took place.
If the Republicans want to do the campaign version of I'm With Stupid
that's their party.
Russian-born chess grandmaster Nimzowitsch was famous for saying,
"The threat is stronger than the execution." This applies not just to
a classic intellectual board game. It is the whole entire principle
of blackmail.
Blackmail only works if you are threatening to publicly disclose
something that was not known. If it was all out there already there
is no longer anything to blackmail with. Not only are we certain the
Ritz Carlton frolic tape exists, it is most likely in full color.
So when Trump offered the lame defense at the Helsinki press
conference that if the Russians had anything incriminating on him it
would already be out there, like pretty much everything else he says
it is the exact opposite of reality.
When Putin himself was asked about it, he literally laughed out loud.
He then tried to absurdify the question, arguing, "What, do you think
we surveil and record every foreign visitor we get?"
Uh, duh . . . uh, yeah . . . that's exactly what everybody knows they
Trump told the world he would take Putin's "strong and powerful
denial" over the unanimous evidence of all our intelligence agencies.
What did Putin do in their private conclave, take his shirt off? It's
a wonder Trump did not go on and on about Putin's manly firmness.
None of this has been cleaned up belatedly and after the fact.
Among other things Trump is not, Putin is smart. Smart enough to know
that the FBI does not have to physically seize a server to analyze
it. They imaged the DNC server. So much for that big fat dud of a
conspiracy theory that was yet another "Hey, but what about" Trump
distracting insinuation in Finland.
Finally, a bunch of Republicans have had enough of the national
embarrassment in the oval office, or so they seem to be saying.
But what will they do tomorrow? Go right back to kissing his butt,
the way Trump himself plays the patsie for grandmaster Putin? Go
right back to tearing down the people with the highest integrity in
our whole government?
We had enough of this before the last election even took place.
Demonstrate you have had enough too.
The Pen
The People's Email Network, PO Box 35022, L.A.,
CA 90035