Dear David:
Talk about putting special interests ahead of New Hampshire families.
Chris Sununu has received more than $50,000 in campaign contributions from our state's utility company, Eversource. And you know what just happened? Eversource announced it is raising our electric rates by almost 20%.
This will hurt Granite Staters who are already struggling to get by, especially seniors living on a fixed income.
Instead of doing the bidding of his major campaign contributor, Sununu should have been working for the people of New Hampshire.
As governor, the people of our state will come first, not the power company.
Eversource is getting its money's worth. Sununu killed important renewable energy legislation that would have encouraged small business growth and job creation and lowered utility bills for cities, towns and ratepayers. It also reduced competition for Eversource.
Sununu is filling his campaign coffers with big utility money, and consumers are getting higher rates. That's wrong.
Sununu can't be trusted to put New Hampshire's best interests ahead of special interests.
Thank you,