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Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Hi David,

Last night, after a hard-fought primary election against a great candidate, Jim Keady, we won the Democratic nomination for Congress with 58 percent of the vote! New Jersey’s 4th district is on the map to win in November. This is possible because of your desire for new leadership in Washington.

The hard work to #Flipthe4th begins today! We are building a coalition of local leaders, union representatives, and community organizers ready to put “service first.” Our message of people over partisanship will win in November.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Your guide to Super Tuesday, David. EMILY's LIST.


It's finally here: Super Tuesday 2018. Our biggest primary night of the year!

We're thrilled to have endorsed 48 pro-choice Democratic women on the ballot in five states — including special elections in Missouri and California.

Here's what we're looking out for as results come in tonight:
  • House: Of the 12 House races we're watching tonight, nine are red-to-blue seats. And five of our candidates are running in California districts that Hillary Clinton won in 2016 but are currently represented by Republicans.
  • Governor: Watch out for New Mexico's Michelle Lujan Grisham, running to become the first Democratic Latina governor ever.
  • State & Local: We have 34 women further down the ballot: 26 state legislative races, two secretaries of state, two district attorneys, one lieutenant governor, one state treasurer, one state controller, and one land commissioner. Whew! Twelve of the 26 are red-to-blue opportunities.
I'm so excited to cheer on our candidates as votes are counted. Victories tonight will set the stage for our chances to take back Congress and state legislatures in November.

Let's show all of our women — those on the ballot today and all those we've endorsed so far this cycle — that we have their backs.

Thanks — and go team!

Emily Cain
Executive Director, EMILY's List

The latest issue of the Journal of the American Philosophical Association

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Articles include
Social Mereology
Katherine Hawley

Autism, Metacognition, and the Deep Self
Nathan Stout

Derrida's Rethinking of Professorial Authority
Samir Haddad
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Dear David,

Access to quality, affordable health care should be a right for all Americans, not just a privilege for the wealthy and well-off. That’s why I was so angered to learn that, just a few months after Republicans in Washington passed a new law undermining the Affordable Care Act, some Rhode Island health insurers now want to raise their rates by as much as 10% next year.

Today, Rhode Islanders are working harder than ever just to get by. It’s completely unacceptable that this increase is going to make it even harder for the working people of our state to have affordable health care. Rest assured, I’m going to continue fighting to protect the Affordable Care Act from President Trump and his allies in Congress, and to improve this law so that it works for even more people in our state and across the country.

Senior Resources Fair

As your Congressman, I’m committed to ensuring that our seniors can access the finest resources and services that are available at the local, state and federal levels. Rhode Island seniors deserve the best, and that’s why I hope you will join me at my Woonsocket Senior Resources Fair to be held:
Monday, June 18th

Woonsocket Senior Center
84 Social Street
Woonsocket, RI 02895

Seniors, adults with disabilities, and caregivers are all invited to learn about important resources available from the Rhode Island Division of Elderly Affairs, the Social Security Administration, Rhode Island Housing, and more than forty other participating organizations. 

More information is available on my Facebook page here .

The Beijing Boondoggle

Each day, it seems, we learn more about the systemic corruption in President Trump’s inner circle. Like all Americans, I was stunned when the President actually advocated for propping up a failing Chinese telecom company a few weeks ago. He was elected to create jobs in this country, not halfway around the world.

It turns out that the President took this action just a few days after the Trump Organization received a $500 million loan from the Chinese government. So far, the Trump administration has completely failed to give a satisfactory answer for why this apparent quid pro quo is appropriate. I want answers, and last week I led more than 60 of my colleagues in writing a letter to the Office of Government Ethics to ask that they open a formal investigation into this matter. Click here to read the letter for yourself. I’ll be sure to keep you updated on any news around this request.

Equality for All Americans 

Our country was founded on the idea that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court declined to affirm this basic principle yesterday when they ruled against a same-sex couple that just wanted to buy a cake for their wedding.

In order to ensure full equality for LGBT individuals in our country, Congress needs to pass the Equality Act, which I’ve introduced along with Senator Jeff Merkley. Click here to learn more about how the Equality Act will ensure that all Americans, including LGBT individuals, are treated as equals in the eyes of the law.

As always, if you or someone you know has any questions or concerns, please call my office at 729-5600 or send me an email at David.Cicilline@mail.house.gov. You can also click here to follow my work on Twitter. 

Warm Regards,
David Cicilline
Member of Congress