It's finally here: Super Tuesday 2018. Our biggest primary night of the year!
We're thrilled to have endorsed 48 pro-choice Democratic women on the ballot in five states — including special elections in Missouri and California.
Here's what we're looking out for as results come in tonight:
- House: Of the 12 House races we're watching tonight, nine are red-to-blue seats. And five of our candidates are running in California districts that Hillary Clinton won in 2016 but are currently represented by Republicans.
- Governor: Watch out for New Mexico's Michelle Lujan Grisham, running to become the first Democratic Latina governor ever.
- State & Local: We have 34 women further down the ballot: 26 state legislative races, two secretaries of state, two district attorneys, one lieutenant governor, one state treasurer, one state controller, and one land commissioner. Whew! Twelve of the 26 are red-to-blue opportunities.
I'm so excited to cheer on our candidates as votes are counted. Victories tonight will set the stage for our chances to take back Congress and state legislatures in November.
Let's show all of our women — those on the ballot today and all those we've endorsed so far this cycle — that we have their backs.
Thanks — and go team!
Emily Cain
Executive Director, EMILY's List