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Friday, May 25, 2018

Not everyone’s privacy is respected, but we respect yours. Joanna Ewart-James, Freedom United.

Dear David,

At Freedom United, we know all too well how many people in slavery are denied their basic right to privacy. Exploited live-in domestic workers may be forced to sleep in bathrooms or kitchens without any private space of their own. Trafficked laborers may be forced to sleep in overcrowded rooms, sharing mattresses with other workers. Survivors have reported being monitored by their traffickers on trips to the hospital – or even trips to the bathroom – to prevent revealing their situation or attempting escape.

We strongly believe that everyone’s privacy should be respected. As such, we have made updates to our Privacy Policy to ensure we continue to uphold our values of transparency and consent.

With the new data protection laws coming into force today in the European Union, we have updated our policies. We have not changed how we process your information, but rather the way in which we explain how we use this data and how you can manage it.

Here are the key updates to our Privacy Policy:
  • Transparency: We have edited the policy to make it easier to understand what personal data we collect and how we use it.
  • Control: We’ve explained the control you have over your information and how we communicate with you. This includes an updated email preferences page, so you can more easily opt in or out of communications.
  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): We’ve added a section regarding the rights of users located in the European Union, as required under the law.

You can read the full Privacy Policy here. Have questions? Please don't hesitate to contact us.

We are so appreciative of your support as we work to ensure everyone's privacy is respected and protected. 

In determination,

Joanna and the Freedom United Team


Have you seen our brand new ad yet? It's running online and we hope to get it running on TVs across the district soon.

In the ad, Jennifer clearly lays out her progressive priorities and what she’s done as a state senator to accomplish them. That’s the kind of get-things-done approach we need more of in Congress.
Change starts right here in Virginia’s 10th district. Let’s elect someone who will get results for us.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

The death penalty for those who seek and provide abortions?! EMILY's LIST.

Republicans in state legislatures across the country are doing everything they can to restrict reproductive freedom.

Passed the country's most restrictive abortion ban, banning the procedure before most women know they're pregnant

Passed a bill to give fake women's health clinics nearly $2 million of taxpayer money

Introduced an abortion ban with no exceptions that could punish those who seek and provide abortion with the death penalty
That's why we've endorsed pro-choice Democratic women for each of these state legislatures:

Mary Stewart (SD-41)
Janice Weiner (SD-37)
Molly Donahue (HD-68)
Lori Egan (HD-56)
Ann Fields (HD-28)
Lindsay James (HD-99)
Jen Mangrum (SD-30)
Natasha Marcus (SD-41)
Helen Probst Mills (SD-25)
​​Cynthia Ball (HD-49)
Sydney Batch (HD-37)
Christy Clark (HD-98)
Ashton Clemmons (HD-57)
Leslie Cohen (HD-20)
Rhonda Cole Schandevel (HD-118)
Allison Dahle (HD-11)
Jean Farmer Butterfield (HD-24)
Rachel Hunt (HD-103)
Terri LeGrand (HD-74)
Lisa Mathis (HD-51)
Erica McAdoo (HD-63)
Marcia Morgan (HD-19)
Martha Shafer (HD-62)
Aimy Steele (HD-82)
Julie Von Haefen (HD-36)

Nickie Antonio (SD-23)
Teresa Fedor (SD-11)
Lauren Friedman (SD-29)
Louise Valentine (SD-19)
Sandra Williams (SD-21)
Erica Crawley (HD-26)
Rachel Crooks (HD-88)
Christine Fisher (HD-27)
Paula Hicks-Hudson (HD-44)
Jessica Miranda (HD-28)
Lisa Sobecki (HD-45)
Lorraine Wilburn (HD-48)

VA to Senators: "Do your job!" Jennifer Boysko, Run Everywhere.

When the Senate reconvenes on May 29, it will mark seven weeks since the Special Session of the General Assembly was called for the sole purpose of completing a two-year state budget.

It took the House of Delegates just SIX DAYS to pass a bipartisan budget that expands Medicaid and still creates enough savings to give teachers a raise.

Frustration with Republican obstructionism has reached a boiling point. In a rare outburst from the Senate gallery during recent dithering, one observer shouted, “People are dying!”
Added another, “Do your job!”

None of which moved Senate Finance Committee co-chair “Thirsty Tommy” Norment (who infamously sent his members home for a sarsaparilla break two weeks ago).
Although he recently admitted that, “there is a probability [Medicaid expansion] will pass,” Norment and his old boy network are putting off a vote as long as possible.

Jennifer Boysko
Finance Chair, Virginia Democratic House Caucus
Chair of Run Everywhere