David --
I value integrity and honesty over all else in politics. That’s why I’m committed to running my campaign as transparently as possible.
I released two years of my tax returns -- more than any other candidate in this race -- because this isn’t just a talking point for me. Transparency is the cornerstone of my campaign.
Unfortunately, not every candidate in this race shares this commitment.
Take Dino Rossi. All four Democrats in this race have released our tax returns, but Rossi has refused to follow suit -- just like every other time he’s run for office.
The fact is, Trump’s tax scam was written to give a huge windfall to commercial realtors like Rossi. You deserve to know if he is profiting off this tax scam while working families in the 8th suffer the consequences.
Committing to transparency isn’t an aspirational goal: It must be an unwavering value for anyone seeking public office... demand Dino Rossi release his tax returns.
I’ve held my campaign to the same standard to which I have held myself throughout my career, and that will never change. Thanks for your support.
-- Jason