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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION- Pacific Division Meeting: The Teaching Hub.

American Philosophical Association
If you’re planning to attend the 2018 Pacific Division meeting and haven’t registered yet, make sure to do so before the early bird registration deadline next week—save $50.

The Teaching Hubteaching-hub-poster-session

This year’s meeting will feature the Teaching Hub, a two-day series of workshops and sessions that address the teaching of philosophy at all levels. The Teaching Hub, sponsored by the APA and the American Association of Philosophy Teachers, will run from Thursday, March 29, through Friday, March 30. All 2018 Pacific Division meeting registrants are invited to attend. The 2018 Pacific Meeting Teaching Hub will include the following sessions (visit the APA website for the full schedule):
  • Teaching the Intellectual Virtues
  • The Intersections between Philosophy in Schools and Public Philosophy
  • Innovations in Teaching Logic
  • Teaching Philosophy Online
  • Meditations Workshop
  • Walk-In Teaching Consultations: One-on-One Sessions with Expert Teachers
  • Poster Session and Closing Reception
Early bird registration rates ($125 for APA members, $240 for non-members, and $40 for student members) are available until online registration closes on March 14. Pacific meeting registration will not be available March 15 through March 27. You will be able to register on-site at the meeting; however, on-site registration rates will be $50 higher than early bird registration for all categories.
Please note: You’ll save an additional $5 on meeting registration if you opt not to receive a paper copy of the program. The meeting program is available online, and our free meeting app for smartphones and tablets also contains the full program (room locations will be added to the app on the first day of the meeting).
We look forward to seeing you in San Diego!
All the best,
Amy E. Ferrer
Executive Director

Sunday, March 4, 2018


Over the last two weeks, too many politicians and pundits have tried to insist that we can’t make meaningful progress in curbing our nation’s gun violence epidemic. Let me be clear: we can. 
As the days are dragging on and lawmakers continue to fail to act, even with the deaths of 17 more school shooting victims on their consciences, it’s clear to me that the problem isn’t a lack of ideas: rather, it is a lack of will and courage to do what is right. 
Let’s take the changes we've already made here in Washington State and in King County. We've made real, tangible progress -- we've started giving families and law enforcement officials the tools they need to prevent tragic gun deaths before it’s too late.
I know that if we elect a new generation of leaders with the moral courage to stand up for what is right, the other Washington can start moving in the right direction, too.
Yesterday, two more lives were ended by gun violence at Central Michigan University. We have solutions to this crisis at our fingertips. The time to act is now. 
-- Jason


Dear David,

Teachers change the world.
If it weren't for their encouragement, I would have never been able to run for Congress.
Whether at Wall Elementary School (purple shirt, front row), the U.S. Naval Academy, or graduate school, I would not have been able to serve in and out of uniform.
Next week, one of my favorite teachers is coming to Monmouth County. For over 20 years, David Gergen has mentored leaders in and out of government. He has inspired young people to do more for their country, and to be servant leaders. 
If you are in the area, please attend this special event in Monmouth County. If you live too far away to attend, please kindly support our event so we can advance a new generation of leaders to restore faith in our democracy at a time of unrest.

- Josh

Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Parkland. Virginia Tech. Sandy Hook. Charleston. Orlando. Las Vegas. Aurora. Columbine. We will continue to relive this nightmare until politicians care more about people's lives than they do about the gun lobby.
But I’m as hopeful for change as I’ve ever been.
A new generation of inspiring young leaders is cutting through the noise and turning up the heat on politicians and the gun lobby…and they’re getting results.  
The gun lobby and the NRA are losing power and influence every day when they push crazy schemes to arm teachers instead of the most reasonable and broadly supported measures to prevent gun violence.

✔ Universal background checks
✔ A return to Virginia’s one handgun per month law
✔ Banning high capacity magazines and bump stocks
✔ Reinstating the assault weapons ban to help keep weapons of war off our streets
✔ Gun Violence Restraining Orders to get guns away from people in a crisis

Last year I ran on these ideas, and with your help and support, I was re-elected by an even bigger margin than the first time, despite millions in NRA money for my opponent.
The mid-terms are just a few months away, and if you want action on gun violence, you’ve got to vote for it. Because the only way we’re going to get anything done is by making politicians more afraid of voters than they are of the gun lobby.
Thanks for standing with me in this fight,