Over the last two weeks, too many politicians and pundits have tried to insist that we can’t make meaningful progress in curbing our nation’s gun violence epidemic. Let me be clear: we can.
As the days are dragging on and lawmakers continue to fail to act, even with the deaths of 17 more school shooting victims on their consciences, it’s clear to me that the problem isn’t a lack of ideas: rather, it is a lack of will and courage to do what is right.
Let’s take the changes we've already made here in Washington State and in King County. We've made real, tangible progress -- we've started giving families and law enforcement officials the tools they need to prevent tragic gun deaths before it’s too late.
I know that if we elect a new generation of leaders with the moral courage to stand up for what is right, the other Washington can start moving in the right direction, too.
Yesterday, two more lives were ended by gun violence at Central Michigan University. We have solutions to this crisis at our fingertips. The time to act is now.
-- Jason