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Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Parkland. Virginia Tech. Sandy Hook. Charleston. Orlando. Las Vegas. Aurora. Columbine. We will continue to relive this nightmare until politicians care more about people's lives than they do about the gun lobby.
But I’m as hopeful for change as I’ve ever been.
A new generation of inspiring young leaders is cutting through the noise and turning up the heat on politicians and the gun lobby…and they’re getting results.  
The gun lobby and the NRA are losing power and influence every day when they push crazy schemes to arm teachers instead of the most reasonable and broadly supported measures to prevent gun violence.

✔ Universal background checks
✔ A return to Virginia’s one handgun per month law
✔ Banning high capacity magazines and bump stocks
✔ Reinstating the assault weapons ban to help keep weapons of war off our streets
✔ Gun Violence Restraining Orders to get guns away from people in a crisis

Last year I ran on these ideas, and with your help and support, I was re-elected by an even bigger margin than the first time, despite millions in NRA money for my opponent.
The mid-terms are just a few months away, and if you want action on gun violence, you’ve got to vote for it. Because the only way we’re going to get anything done is by making politicians more afraid of voters than they are of the gun lobby.
Thanks for standing with me in this fight,


This is important: In December, the Republican-led FCC voted to repeal net neutrality, blatantly siding with corporations over everyday Americans.
Thanks to the FCC’s decision, internet providers will be able to block or censor any site they dislike and even charge you more for tweeting, logging onto your email or streaming TV shows. Their vote takes an axe to the very idea of a free and open internet, hurting the economy, consumers, job growth and small businesses along the way.
Now we’ve got just a couple weeks left to overturn the FCC’s decision before it becomes law. Please, before it’s too late.... tell the Senate: Save net neutrality.
Thank you,

Monday, February 26, 2018


PETA Town Hall

Wednesday Is the Day!

February 28
8 p.m. EST/5 p.m. PST

Save the Date!
Dear David,
This is a brief reminder about Wednesday's town hall meeting at 8 p.m. EST/5 p.m. PST.
PETA President Ingrid Newkirk and I will host a unique town hall meeting to discuss the wide-ranging scope of Animal Rahat's work for animals in India and share ways you can help us support the group during the year ahead.
Visit PETA.org/FebruaryTownHall. After registering, you'll be able to listen to our presentation and ask us questions directly through your computer about Animal Rahat's work for animals.
I do hope you'll join us for our second town hall meeting of 2018. I'm certain that you'll find our conversation both interesting and inspiring. Thank you!
Kind regards,

Ben Williamson
Senior International Media Director

Friday, February 23, 2018



Dear David,

This has been a tough few months. I can't tell you how hard it was to step away from serving in the United States Senate - the best job I've ever had.

And I can't tell you how much it's meant to me, to Franni, and to our family to hear from so many supporters wishing us well and telling us that you're still ready to fight for the progressive values we share.

As I said on the day I announced my resignation from the Senate, I might be giving up my seat in that chamber, but I'm not giving up my voice. I'm going to keep fighting for those values, too.

But, today, I just wanted to write to say thank you.

Thank you for taking a chance on me more than a decade ago when I stepped up to run for the Senate - and helping me to win that first race by just 312 votes.

Thank you for fighting alongside me every step of the way for the progressive values we share: values like justice, equality, integrity, and honesty.

Thank you for making it possible to practice a politics focused, as my hero Paul Wellstone put it, on improving people's lives.

I am so proud of the progress we've made together. From passing the Affordable Care Act and extending health insurance to tens of millions of families to pairing veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with service dogs that make their days a little easier. From defending net neutrality and fighting back against media consolidation to asking the tough questions in hearings and exposing the corruption and incompetence of the Trump administration.

And I know that there is a lot more progress to be made in the months and years ahead. We have to fight this administration and its far-right agenda. We have to take back power in this year's midterm elections (starting with re-electing Minnesota's two fine senators, Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar) so we can finally hold this President accountable. We have to stand up for our progressive values, stand up for middle-class families - and stand up for the truth.

I know that you are going to keep fighting to make that progress. And I want you to know that I'm going to be right there alongside you, every step of the way.

As hard as it is not to be there in the Senate right now, I still believe, as Paul Wellstone did, that the future belongs to those who are passionate and work hard. I'm still as passionate as ever about the values we share. I look forward to continuing the hard work we've done together to move our country forward.

And, most of all, I am deeply grateful for your friendship and your support.

Thank you,


P.S.: Over the last few weeks, I've heard from a lot of people who want to know what I'm doing next and how they can help. It's a good question, and one I'm not quite ready to answer yet. For the moment, I'm enjoying spending time with Franni, our healthy and brilliant kids, and our adorable grandkids - and feeling very lucky to have them in my life. But I do want to thank you for being there for me during this difficult time.