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Thursday, January 11, 2018


Hi David --

Did you see Coty’s video this week? If not, I hope you’ll take a minute to watch it (below) -- Coty’s an extraordinarily courageous woman, and I was proud to help her seek justice after she faced discrimination from her employer.
We’ve seen over the last few months that despite hard-fought progress, gender discrimination in the workplace is still the day-to-day reality for too many women. It’s vital that we hear their voices -- so I want to share Coty’s story with as many people as I can.

Dear David,

When college professor Coty Richardson found out she was pregnant, she didn’t feel any need to hide it from the administrators at her university. After all, why should she?
But when Coty shared the news with her employers, their response was not just unexpected -- it was beyond unfair, and she felt certain she was discriminated against.
So she courageously spoke out and fought back. And she chose Jason to stand up for her in court.
“He’s got the fight in him. He’s not going to back down. He believes in what he’s fighting for.” -- Coty Richardson
This is the 21st century. No worker should face discrimination on the basis of gender, pregnancy, or marital status -- but too many still do. That’s why Jason has spent his career fighting for women like Coty -- and he’ll keep up the fight in Congress.
All our best,
-- Team Jason


Let’s congratulate Rep. Faso! CONG. CAND. PAT RYAN.

David --
Congratulations are in order for the 19th District’s own John Faso!
With Darrell Issa’s retirement, Faso just moved up to #2 on Roll Call’s list of the most vulnerable members of the House.
 It’s not easy to earn this kind of national distinction -- let’s take a look back at how Faso did it:
  • Voted to strip healthcare coverage away from tens of thousands of his own constituents
  • Voted to roll back consumer protection and Wall Street reform measures designed to prevent another Great Recession
  • Failed to stop Trump and Paul Ryan from taking money out of our pockets to give their billionaire friends a tax cut
...tell Faso congratulations -- and we’re coming for him.
-- Team Ryan

We have to keep Joe Arpaio out of the Senate. U.S. SENATOR CORY BOOKER.


I never thought I would say these words, but Joe Arpaio just announced he’s running for Senate in Arizona.

Like Roy Moore in Alabama, Arpaio is completely unfit to serve in the Senate. His federal conviction of criminal contempt and subsequent pardon by President Trump is a stain on our criminal justice system and our country.

We have to keep Joe Arpaio out of the Senate and make sure Kyrsten Sinema has the resources it takes to win. Kyrsten’s race is one that could determine the Senate majority in November.

But we know that extremists like Arpaio will have the full support of the GOP campaign machine, and they will relentlessly attack Kyrsten to keep this seat in the GOP’s hands.

That’s why we must give Kyrsten’s campaign a boost of grassroots support. 


Tuesday, January 9, 2018


David --
We learned last week that one of our local hospitals, Affinity Medical Center, is scheduled to close in a matter of weeks. As you can imagine, 800 people losing their jobs would be a blow to any community, but on top of that, we will lose a care facility that has operated for over a century.
Ken was LIVE this morning rallying with nurses and local leaders to try to keep the hospital open.
Part of the job of any Congressman is SHOWING UP. Thanks, Ken, for showing up and fighting for jobs and families.
In service,
Team Harbaugh