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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

What's your New Years Resolution. U.S. SENATOR CORY BOOKER.


We reached our final FEC fundraising deadline of 2017. We’re kicking off the new year in a strong position to fight for our values and hold President Trump accountable. 

With a new year comes new resolutions. I have a list going for myself. Things like showing more love to those who might disagree with me—and of course, exercising more and eating healthier.

But my number one resolution for 2018 is to be more involved than ever before in helping to elect Democrats across New Jersey and the country who can help make real change and stand up to President Trump’s relentless attacks on our most fundamental American values.

I believe that we can see a big wave of Democratic victories in the midterm elections this November. But the only way we’re going to make that happen is if we all make a resolution to get out there and get involved like never before—and stick with it.

Let’s start this new year off standing together for the values we share. I’m excited for what is ahead...


Sunday, December 31, 2017

THIS LAST YEAR...Jennifer Boysko, Chair of Run Everywhere.

Dear David,

This last year proved that when we come together, we can win... and win big.
Whether we tie in the House of Delegates or not—and we still may win this last race—we surpassed every expectation for this year.

Groups far and wide put ego and disputes aside and got behind even unlikely candidates—and we won.

Run Everywhere was a significant factor. We ultimately donated hundreds of thousands of dollars towards this effort.

As we move into 2018, we are still funding the recount, but we are also getting ready to get behind a number of new candidates we believe will help us win the House of Delegates outright in 2019 if not sooner.

I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done.

Jennifer Boysko
Finance Chair, Virginia Democratic House Caucus.
Chair of Run Everywhere.

"I’m proud of all we’ve achieved, but there is so much more to do."

American Philosophical Association
Over the last few weeks, I’ve written to you to share words from some of your fellow philosophers about why they donate to support the APA...
Your colleagues have spoken about how the APA serves philosophy and philosophers in ways no other organization can. They’ve spoken about how the APA’s diversity and inclusion efforts have helped move the discipline forward, and how the APA brings philosophers together to share their work across disciplinary and subdisciplinary boundaries. And they’ve spoken about how the APA’s advocacy for philosophy and philosophers helps protect and defend individuals, departments, and the field as a whole.

In these final hours before the New Year begins, I am thinking back on all we’ve accomplished this year, and all we have planned for 2018. We will launch new prizes, increase collaborations with other disciplinary societies, develop new resources to support philosophy departments, and hold three outstanding conferences. We will continue to increase the role of graduate students in setting the APA’s future directions, and we will connect more with philosophers outside academia to sustain their connections to the discipline and develop diverse career paths for philosophy PhDs. We will grow our journal, support the academic job market, and stand up for philosophy in the public square.
Five years into my time as executive director, I’m proud of all we’ve achieved, but I know there is so much more to do. 
Each and every contribution makes a real difference to our budget—donations mean more travel funding for philosophers in need, more grants to innovative philosophy programs, more prizes recognizing great work, more resources for the crucial efforts of APA committees.
All the best,
Amy Ferrer
Executive Director
P.S. If you make a contribution of $500 or more before the end of 2017, you’ll receive a copy of Portraits of American Philosophy (Rowman & Littlefield, 2013). This book is a collection of Dewey Lectures—autobiographical reflections on philosophy in America—by leading philosophers including Judith Jarvis Thomson, Harry Frankfurt, Marilyn McCord Adams, and Claudia Card.



With your friendship and support, you helped make 2017 a year we'll never forget. Thank you.
Best wishes for a joyful 2018!

The Herring Family

Laura, Mark, Peyton, and Tim