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Friday, December 29, 2017


David -
As 2017 winds down, I want to take a minute and look back at what we've accomplished together in 2017.
- We recruited as many candidates as possible across the Commonwealth, running Democrats in 88 of Virginia's 100 districts -- a record in modern times for Democrats.
- We held three candidate training weekends to train candidates to run professional campaigns that emphasize voter contact, door knocking, and volunteer engagement.
- We helped campaigns in primaries hire qualified staff so that our Democratic nominees were ready to go on Day 1.
- We invested early in 50+ paid organizers in 16 districts all across the Commonwealth.
- We guaranteed that nearly 80 candidates for the House of Delegates were included in the state-wide Coordinated Get Out the Vote program.
- We conducted research and helped lead a paid voter contact program in 20+ districts all across the Commonwealth.
- We helped put 12+ candidates on television in critical markets.
- We worked to ensure aggressive digital buys behind 20+ candidates.
- We stretched our budget and spent wisely to reach as many voters as possible.
- We raised nearly $500,000 from grassroots supporters alone (!!!)
- We worked with partner and volunteer organizations to spread the map even further -- including the DLCC, the Virginia AFL-CIO, Daily Kos, Emily's List, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, Flippable, Forward Majority, LCV, Indivisible, NARAL, Virginia's List, Sierra Club, Emerge, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Sister District, Run for Something, Planned Parenthood, New Virginia Majority, ARS, AFSCME, IBEW, Carpenters, CWA, Giffords PAC, Teamsters, UAW... and many more...
We've picked up a record 15 seats in the House of Delegates -- and we're still fighting hard for the voters of HD-28 and HD-94 to have their voices properly represented in Richmond. We won't stop working until we're confident that every vote has been counted fairly and that (we could have never imaged this would be a thing) voters who live in a district are given the ability to actually vote in the district they live in.
The hard work and dedication of our committed volunteers and supporters made this year possible. I can't tell you how many candidates who are now Delegates-Elect I said the following phrase to, "We want your surfboard waxed and ready for the wave." Thanks to you, we were ready and rode that wave to the biggest Democratic pickup in the modern history of Virginia.
So once again -- THANK YOU -- for your support throughout 2017. House Democrats will continue fighting for voters in HD-28 and HD-94...


Trent Armitage
Executive Director
Virginia House Democrats.

APA- Eastern Division Meeting.

American Philosophical Association
The Eastern Division meeting is less than a week away. We hope you’ll join us in Savannah, GA, January 3–6!
Online registration is closed, but you can still register on-site at the meeting. The registration desk will open at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 3. The on-site registration rates are $175 for APA members, $290 for non-members, and $90 for student members.
The 2018 Eastern Division meeting features 20 exhibitors and over 50 tables. We encourage you to visit our exhibits and spend some time browsing new and popular philosophy titles that will be on display during the meeting. The exhibits will be located near the meeting registration desks on the first floor of the Savannah Convention Center on the River Concourse. The following exhibitors will be on-site:
BrillPrinceton University Press
Cambridge University PressRoutledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Hackett Publishing CompanySpringer
Ingram Academic ServicesStance: An Undergraduate Philosophy Journal
Lexington BooksSUNY Press
Mercer University PressThe Prindle Institute for Ethics
Oxford University PressThe Scholar's Choice
Palgrave MacmillanUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Crítica)
Philosopher's Information CenterW. W. Norton
Philosophy Documentation Center     Wiley

All meeting registrants are invited to attend the annual APA prize reception in the exhibit area at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 4. The exhibits will remain open during the prize reception, and wine and cheese will be served. The exhibit hours during the meeting are as follows:
January 4: Noon–6:30 p.m.
January 5: 11:00 a.m –5:30 p.m.
January 6: 9:00–11:30 a.m.
We hope to see you in Savannah next week!
All the best,

Melissa Smallbrook
Meeting Coordinator

Sunday, December 24, 2017

One more time -- thank you, David.

One more time -- thank you, David.
Before 2017 ends, I want to say thank you, David.

We knew this year would be a difficult one. But it was also full of fierce passion and hope -- from the millions of people who took to the streets on behalf of the values we share to the activists, newcomers and veterans alike, who lead us to victories in Virginia, Alabama, and across the country. We really have seen that we are stronger together (sorry, couldn't resist).

My wish for you is that you're able to take a break this holiday season and spend some time with the people you love. Bill and I will be celebrating the best way we know how: by sharing our favorite traditions with the youngest members of our family.

2018 will be a big year for this team. I hope you enjoy your holidays -- and come back refreshed and ready to win. I know I will.



Saturday, December 23, 2017

How the Grinch Stole Middle Class Tax Cuts. CONGRESSMAN DAVID CICILLINE.

Dear David, 

Republicans just pulled off one of the biggest cons in the history of American politics. Their job-killing tax bill gives companies even more incentive to ship American jobs overseas. It lays the groundwork for devastating cuts to Medicare and Social Security. It robs working people in order to give even more money to the biggest multi-national corporations and the wealthiest Americans. And it will burden the next generation with more than $1 trillion in debt. 

The American people are going to see through this scam. Rhode Island families deserve real tax reform that permanently cuts taxes on middle class families, ends tax breaks that incentivize shipping American jobs overseas, and promotes the creation of good-paying jobs. 

How the Grinch Stole Middle Class Tax Cuts 

With a little help from Dr. Seuss, earlier this week I shared the story of How the Grinch Stole Middle Class Tax Cuts on the House floor. Unfortunately, unlike the Grinch, Republicans never found their heart and passed a massive tax bill that jeopardizes the future of Medicare, Medicaid and other critical investments in our communities. Republicans may be celebrating this tax scam, but the reality is the American people overwhelmingly oppose this giveaway to billionaires and the biggest corporations. A video of my remarks can be viewed by clicking here 

Children’s Health Insurance 

More than 36,000 Rhode Island children and pregnant women rely on the Children’s Health Insurance Program to access high-quality affordable health care. Nationally, nine million children receive health care coverage through the Children’s Health Insurance Program. But due to Republicans’ failure to enact a comprehensive, bipartisan reauthorization of the program, states are running out of money right now and putting the health of millions of children at risk. 

Along with my Democratic colleagues in the House, I'll continue to fight for a full reauthorization of the Children's Health Insurance Program. I was proud to stand with my colleagues - Senator Reed, Senator Whitehouse and Congressman Langevin - at Meeting Street School last week to demand an immediate vote on reauthorizing this critical investment. 

There is no more important responsibility that we have than to protect the health and well-being of America's children. Access to affordable health care is critical if children are to thrive and succeed academically and, ultimately, join the workforce as productive adults. 

Government Funding 

Yesterday, Republicans passed a short-term spending bill that failed to address any of the urgent needs facing working people. Their bill failed to include a long-term, bipartisan extension of children’s health insurance and makes harmful cuts to critical preventative health care for kids. It failed to ensure that veterans can get the care they need through the VA. Their bill abandons millions of American families who are struggling as a result of the ongoing opiate epidemic.

Republicans sent the American people a clear message this week: If you're wealthy and well-off, they have your back. But if you’re a working person, you’re on your own.

It doesn't have to be that way. Along with my Democratic colleagues, I'm going to keep fighting on behalf of America's working people. 
Warm Regards,
David Cicilline
Member of Congress