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Monday, December 4, 2017

The end of net neutrality. U.S. SENATOR ED MARKEY.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is planning on handing his former employer (Verizon) and their fellow Internet Service Providers an incredible holiday gift.

An end to net neutrality protections.

The FCC will vote on December 14th on Chairman Pai's plan to repeal net neutrality protections. Pai is putting a few broadband barons that want to serve as all-powerful gatekeepers to the internet above the good of families, businesses, and consumers.

If you think that perhaps net neutrality doesn't affect you, let me assure you it does. Just think about some examples from the holiday season.

Did you shop online on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, or Cyber Monday? Did you make a contribution to a charity or other organization online on Giving Tuesday? If net neutrality disappears, ISPs could throttle your service, making those websites slower or even blocking them.

Families connecting with loved ones out-of-state or abroad over the holidays could have buffering times decided by a cable company.

The ramifications go far beyond the holiday season. Students downloading or viewing educational material could see longer wait times. Startups and small companies on the verge of major innovations may not be able to break through because they're too small to afford fast lanes for their content. The list goes on.

We cannot let go of this fight. Some may say the vote on December 14th is a foregone conclusion. I say that there is nothing we can't achieve if we create a large enough grassroots movement.

Help me bring a firestorm of grassroots pressure down on the FCC in support of net neutrality...

Thank you.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The truth about how the tax bill passed U.S. SENATOR CHRIS MURPHY.

In the middle of the night, Republicans in the Senate passed a massive tax cut for some of the richest people and most powerful corporations in the country.
But this bill was more than a tax cut for the rich. This legislation contains provisions that will result in 13 million people losing coverage through the Affordable Care Act while raising premiums for everyone else. It contains massive cuts to education, affordable housing programs, and more.

I am going to tell you the truth about how this happened, David: This bill passed the House and the Senate because up until the day or two before the vote, the offices of my colleagues saw only a fraction of the energy that was out there during the health care debate.
Petitions: down
Calls: down
Visits: down
Social Media: down

But we still have a chance to turn it around. One of two things happens next: either House Republicans will have to vote on the bill the Senate passed last night, or we will go to something called a Conference Committee where the two chambers are forced iron out the differences between our respective bills.
But either way, there will be at least one more vote on this. And that gives us a chance to recommit ourselves to this fight. Start here:

This bill is just as unpopular as the health care bill, and arguably impacts even more people than the Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare.
The wealthy and powerful already have it all in this country. It's time for working people to demand a larger slice of the pie.

Every best wish,
Senator Chris Murphy

Saturday, December 2, 2017


December 1, 2017
  Dear David,

Today, Senate Republicans are racing to pass a huge tax cut for corporations and wealthy Americans. In fact, their plan will give 50% of the tax cuts to the Top 1%. At the same time, Republicans are going to raise taxes on 82 million middle class Americans, cut $1.5 trillion from Medicare and Medicaid, unravel the Affordable Care Act, and blow up the deficit – meaning the next generation will have to pay the bill.

This jobs-killing proposal is just wrong. I’m proud to be fighting against this bill. It’s a raw deal, and the American people deserve A Better Deal with better jobs, better wages, and a better future. Those are the priorities I’m going to keep fighting for.


Manuel Mello of Portsmouth lost his life on the battlefields of Italy during World War II. His service and sacrifice exemplified the remarkable courage and devotion to duty of his generation. All of us owe heroes like him our solemn gratitude. That’s why I was so honored to be able to present his brother Philip with the medals Manuel earned in service to our nation. For generations to come, these medals will serve as a tribute to Manuel’s outstanding bravery and legacy of service. 

If you or a family member never received meals, or they have since disappeared, please contact my office at 729-5600 and we will do our best to assist you. 


Senator Sheldon Whitehouse — US Senator for Rhode Island
3 hrs
TrumpTax is a scam. Early this morning, while most Americans were sleeping, Senate Republicans voted to hike taxes on millions of middle-class families to pay for tax cuts for President Trump and his billionaire friends. This so-called ‘tax reform’ moves our nation in the wrong direction by every measure: it will send more American jobs overseas, increase health insurance premiums, explode our national debt, and pollute an already-complicated tax code with new loopholes and gifts for the very wealthy. It’s a giveaway to Republican donors, and the American people should take note. https://mobile.nytimes.com/…/us/polit…/senate-tax-bill.html…
Senate Republicans made major changes to their bill and picked up the votes to push it through the chamber 51-49 early Saturday morning.