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Sunday, October 2, 2016


As the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT/OBAMACARE/UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE is now being implemented nationwide, opponents of the new law are hollering loud and clear about any flaws that are coming to light.  They demand an immediate repeal of the law, and promise dire consequences if this does not happen.  However, citizens and lawmakers who support the act should not be pulled into answering the hysterical rantings of those whose only goal is to see it fail.

What really amazes me is the desire of certain politicians, parts of the media and segments of society as a whole to see the U.S. become a weaker nation, both economically and socially.  It is a level of selfishness that is hard to comprehend, for it is the "Only I count" and "Me and only Me" way of looking at life. To them it doesn't matter how many others suffer, as long as they are not affected in any way. This way of thinking does not look at the possible long term affects on society by new legislation, for it doesn't matter.

The Affordable Care Act is just the most recent example of a law enacted with the goal of providing a long term solution that will solve a difficult problem.  As has happened in the past, the law is not perfect and must be adapted to confront unforeseen consequences.  There is nothing in the wording of the law, or any form of Judicial precedent that would prevent this from happening.  Many times in the past programs instituted by Government were found to have certain weaknesses that needed to be corrected.  Guess what?  They were, without destroying the goals or purposes which prompted the necessity for their creation.

Many opponents of the Affordable Care Act are not willing to even discuss how the law might be altered or changed to resolve any problems.  That is because they do not want it to be successful, for it offers help and aid that they do not need at this time.  In other words, "Whats in it for me" or "I don't have any responsibility for anyones well-being but my own."  Of course this ignores the possible future benefits that may be the product of the new law, which may include providing future assistance to those who don't need it now.

This is the ultimate example of the "Living in the present, and the Future is someone elses problem," type of Politician. 

I thought we expected more from our leaders and public servants.

Date- 11/23/2013


Threatening, Dark, Gloomy, Back Light

The first of the three categories of Sociopaths, in terms of how successful they are in achieving individual goals, and avoiding punishment for their actions.

ACCOMPLISHED SOCIOPATH-  Is by far the most dangerous to a civilized society.  Throughout their lives, they have learned to direct and use others to act on their behalf. 
This is done in such a way that no one realizes they are being manipulated, and few negative consequences fall upon this type of Sociopath. 

However, what really sets the Accomplished Sociopath apart is their ability to direct blame and responsibility for actions they commit, onto others who are completely innocent.  This is often done by duping others to aid them in the persecution of the individual being targeted by the Accomplished Sociopath.  Families, Friendships and Business relationships are destroyed by this insidious fiend.

Unfortunately, the Accomplished Sociopath may go through life unidentified, free to unleash havoc on humanity. The real sad part of the story is that many people think they are to smart to be conned by such a person, and refuse to admit it when evidence is presented that they are being used for nefarious reasons.  The Accomplished Sociopath realizes this, and finds ways to appeal to the vanity of the unwitting pawn.

Are there clues, that may indicate you are dealing with an Accomplished Sociopath?  Yes, but be sure before confronting one.  They have spent years creating a facade of humanity that has hidden their true nature from Family, Friends and Acquaintances. If possible, accumulate allies who are willing to stand with you, for confronting the Accomplished Sociopath means attacking their support structure of individuals who are either Unable or Unwilling to face reality.
See part 11 for clues on identifying an ACCOMPLISHED SOCIOPATH.

Date-  4/16/2014.


Violent, Crime, Burglary, Faust, Bat

Sociopaths are very good at burning bridges.

So, the most important question of all must be asked;  How do you know if you are dealing with a Sociopath?

To answer this, we must understand that Sociopaths occupy many different levels of achievement; be it Financial, Educational or Social.

It has been speculated that most of those imprisoned are probably Sociopaths. However, that doesn't mean most Sociopaths are in prison.

This, of course, leads to the following;  Why are some Sociopaths easy to spot and recognize, while others can remain unidentified for years?

It is because not all Sociopaths are on the same level.  You see, the Sociopath considers their established way of life to be a career choice.  Just as someone else chooses Medicine, Law, Teaching etc, the Sociopath looks for a Job or Occupation that will allow them to best exploit others. In other words, it doesn't matter what function they play in society, for it is irrelevant.  All they care about is achieving personal desires.

This leads us to the following;  How do we classify Sociopaths, in terms of how successful they are in realizing specific goals?  That can be best be explained by creating the following categories:

- The Accomplished Sociopath.
- The Functional Sociopath.
- The Failed Sociopath. 

These will be discussed and defined in a future post.  

Date- 3/8/2014.


Face, Eyes, No, Question, Harassment
While many children at an early age lack boundaries, and seem to enjoy the suffering being caused to other living things, adult guidance from the nuclear family or other positive sources are usually sufficient to overcome the emotional immaturity present in the developing mind. 

However, the potential Sociopath does not or cannot understand the concept of "Empathy", and identifying this becomes very important so that professional intervention can begin at an early age.

Controlling Inappropriate Behavior-  This is a manifestation of the inability and/or desire to conform to expected types of behavior in both public and private social situations.  Again, as with a lack of empathy, the potential Sociopath does not understand why they should control their actions because others tell them that it is wrong or inappropriate.  Simply put, they feel they are doing nothing wrong and see no reason to alter their behavior.
Inappropriate Behaviors may include;

  • Unwanted and Unsolicited physical contact with others.
  • Mannerisms that are not age appropriate.
  • Demanding special treatment that no one else can receive.
  • Making and losing friendships frequently, without any sense of loss or achievement.
  • The desire to punish others they perceive to be a threat, even though this perception is a consequence of their own behavior.
  • Treating family activities with contempt, as a complete waste of time.

Remember, it is important that these Behaviors be identified early in life.
If not addressed at a young age, the Sociopath can learn to adapt their behavior 
to what is expected and use it to deceive and exploit others.
( See PT.9 in a future posting.)

Date- 12/15/2013.